Well, only for 2 days then shes flying back to KL again.
She came to pick me up from work at 3pm.
Then bla bla bla, went to CoffeeBean..
First thing we saw was donut.. ~dohh~
* Blinded our eye sight awhile*
Then Wern came later on..
her eyes were like =.=" when saw that it!
HAHAhaha....was funny tho.
Then bla bla bla..Mel fetch me back to work again..
I know...Yawwwnnn..haha.
I work with Zaya the whole day.
So it was alright.
But I felt bad for leaving early tho,
last minute customer poured into the restaurant.
* sorry *
Now im here, bored..
So I took some pics! =)
* Sorry im camwhoring, but im bored..haha*
* Yes i looke retarded, heres my Rufuz and some unknown creature behind me =)*
* Heres ugly..hiao-ing*
Then, I found some pics that my sis took.
Lol...this are hilarious...
Check it out..
* Pinch pinch*
* Rufuz!! All lazy and chubby...ish ish ish..*
~ " Oiii...whatcha doing?"~

~ " Hmmphh.."~
~ * Cubit cubit*~
~ Wake up..!! ~
Grrr...cant stand his cute-ness sometimes.
Just need to pinch him..
Oh ya..!!
And I saw Mels cousins dog.
So FAT and CHUBI..!!
Nice to hug! Its a Spanial Cockel? ( duno how to spell )
Something like that..haha..
Omg..I wana make Rufuz become that Fat too..
HAHAHAHAhaha...sis would kill me.
Gtg now..
Need to sleep!
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