Mum said
" Tomorrow ( saturday), all of you better not go out!
Stay home and help me clean the house!! OKay??"
Me ~ Rolling my eyes away..lol
Bro ~ Concetrating on his Maple game.
Sis ~ Asleep away like a pig..I think she can just be a sleeping beauty and never wake up!
* No one was listening*
" Tomorrow ( saturday), all of you better not go out!
Stay home and help me clean the house!! OKay??"
Me ~ Rolling my eyes away..lol
Bro ~ Concetrating on his Maple game.
Sis ~ Asleep away like a pig..I think she can just be a sleeping beauty and never wake up!
* No one was listening*
Next day,
Me ~
" Mum im going out to have LUNCH only with Wern".
( Im not asking for permission, more like telling her..lol)
Mum ~ " Oohh...if your going gurney get me eggs!! ".
( Im not asking for permission, more like telling her..lol)
Mum ~ " Oohh...if your going gurney get me eggs!! ".
Sis has already gone out to Gurney, should be having lunch too.
Bro gone out to watch movie with his friends around late in the afternoon.
I guess she forgets what she says easily =.="
And no one ever takes her word seriously.
Poor mummy..LOL
Yea then I had lunch with Wern at Coffeebean, thougth was only lunch ( Proclaims Wern),
but then she say lets go shopping...!!
Lol..typically I wanted too.
Bought some cloths , she too..
Shop only awhile then went home.
Came home and mum asked me to cook spaghetti for dinner!
I was reluctant to cook as there werent any ingredients for me to cook.
All there is, are Capsicums.. =.="
Yea what am I gota cook with that?
Just Spags and Capsicum? eww...noway..
Bro gone out to watch movie with his friends around late in the afternoon.
I guess she forgets what she says easily =.="
And no one ever takes her word seriously.
Poor mummy..LOL
Yea then I had lunch with Wern at Coffeebean, thougth was only lunch ( Proclaims Wern),
but then she say lets go shopping...!!
Lol..typically I wanted too.
Bought some cloths , she too..
Shop only awhile then went home.
Came home and mum asked me to cook spaghetti for dinner!
I was reluctant to cook as there werent any ingredients for me to cook.
All there is, are Capsicums.. =.="
Yea what am I gota cook with that?
Just Spags and Capsicum? eww...noway..
So end up!
Eat out!
Went QueensBay with mum only cause her 2 other children are either asleep or lazy.
We shopped and i found this White dress from Forever21!
It was almost perfect!
I tried it, liked it, but too bad it was size M!
Was pretty hard to breath in it..lol
And then I couldnt find size L..
It was the only dress that doesnt make me look pregnant nor FAT!
They were having big clearence and it was almost 10.30..TIMEs UP!
They are closing!
Couldnt get the dress then T.T
I went home feeling blue.
Went that far but didnt buy anything.
But overall Im still glad Im out and not rotting at home..
* Wern threw her Fusilli into my Cappuccino, nowanda it taste a lil spicy...damn you!*
Eat out!
Went QueensBay with mum only cause her 2 other children are either asleep or lazy.
We shopped and i found this White dress from Forever21!
It was almost perfect!
I tried it, liked it, but too bad it was size M!
Was pretty hard to breath in it..lol
And then I couldnt find size L..
It was the only dress that doesnt make me look pregnant nor FAT!
They were having big clearence and it was almost 10.30..TIMEs UP!
They are closing!
Couldnt get the dress then T.T
I went home feeling blue.
Went that far but didnt buy anything.
But overall Im still glad Im out and not rotting at home..
* Wern threw her Fusilli into my Cappuccino, nowanda it taste a lil spicy...damn you!*
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