And ended up doing this.
Don't mind me, Im always doing all this crappy nonsense.. but oh what the hell right, I wont be able to sleep anyways..
LAST year kodak moments!

I missed those times!!! The times we spent on the beach..
Seriously.. I don't think we did went to the beach together this year as a group!
Well we did on Mel's birthday, but that don't count! Ahaha.. Because there ain't Ms.ANa, TomatoJe$$, FeiLUI, BoSSyLing and FucKHOO there.
OH dang..
Will organize a beachy outing one day..!
Get ready your lotions missy's..!!!

The sun fades away from our facade.

Remember this??
Yea, candid me running like an old-fag.. favourite part of OUR birthday here..
17th, young and dangerous..
Here comes the "speed of sound" , of the Jetskiiess..

The part where they tried to surprise US, but they failed to surprise me.
Nevermind, at least I've got my fair share of surprise on the day of my real birthday at Mel's house.
That is for Wern's turn.
Making our wishes.
And gosh..I was still wishing..
Did my wish came true?
Well..I must say,
it will never stop coming true..xD
This is where we slept like a slumber party.
On the hard wood floor.. but it was fun.
And left...
The poor girl there sleeping in that tremendously cold cold computer room all alone + with the door shut!! HAHAhaha..
Thats for sleeping so early Ms.ANa..

This one..!
A rather funny shot while hiking.
You can see I was forced to do so as like the bird beside me.

Ahhh....last but not least.
School hall and with our blue uniforms.. ( I miss it )
Yea, candid me running like an old-fag.. favourite part of OUR birthday here..
17th, young and dangerous..
Here comes the "speed of sound" , of the Jetskiiess..

The part where they tried to surprise US, but they failed to surprise me.
Nevermind, at least I've got my fair share of surprise on the day of my real birthday at Mel's house.
That is for Wern's turn.
Making our wishes.

Did my wish came true?
Well..I must say,
it will never stop coming true..xD

On the hard wood floor.. but it was fun.
And left...

Thats for sleeping so early Ms.ANa..

This one..!
A rather funny shot while hiking.
You can see I was forced to do so as like the bird beside me.

Ahhh....last but not least.
School hall and with our blue uniforms.. ( I miss it )
I wanna turn back time and be 17 again.
The times of holidays were spent like it should be.
Days of laughter were accompanied by joys of tears.
Rascal moments is when we run out of class, running away from you-know-who, hiding for the sake of the adrenaline moments and sleeping in-sight.
Making a fool of ourselve's to make others laugh.
Some people might think its foolish, but hey..when your making other's laugh, who cares right?
That's what I love about us, we don't mind embarassing ourselves for others to see or judge.
It's what makes us whole.
Youth times, dont take everything so-seriously laa..
17th birthday,
I wished that " We would forever have times like this "..
Like I said, It never seems to stop eventhough it may seem like its fading..
It will still come back.
I wished that " We would forever have times like this "..
Like I said, It never seems to stop eventhough it may seem like its fading..
It will still come back.
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