Eunice and her cousin, LiYen came back from KL the day before. Ask us to follow their car to KL the next day..
So weee~
KL here we come!!

LiYen hears techno alot, so we had to suffer hearing it the whole way as well. * headache*
Well, not bad after hearing those songs few days later. xP
The famous sky-scrappers in Malaysia.
First stop that night was at Heritage Mansion.
Met up with Mark and eunice's friend, Syah.
The night was pretty slow...
Until it begin to pick up with crowds to make the night more lively.
Then we got bored and went to dance on the dance floor before we call it a night.
I was dancing, dancing and dancing until I looked up the ceiling..well, more like a glass ceiling.
And Ooopps!! I can see people dancing up there too, yea, and showing off their undies
We were like.. laughing our asses off.

Met up with some of their friends.
Lavin, Alif, Shanker and bla bla bla..
Hung out at the resident park with them as they still wanna drink.
I didnt drink as I just took panadol for my ...cramp..!
Like this self-effect lighting
Haha...nah, just those 2 fella's keep bugging me.
And Lavin keep calling me Krispy, thanks to sis.. * smirks*
So as usual, very noisy.. with all her weiwei's at every last sentences she says. haha..
Left that place at around 6am...swt.
Sis didnt wana leave still at first.. but hello!! Im having my cramps here..
The next few days I was with Mel the whole time.
Her parents were taking me to like everywhere!!
To shop and to eat.
Really nice places they took me to eat, buffet at SunwayHotel, PastaUno ( myfav) and O'briens.
Had a really wonderful time.. I am really greatfull.
Sis and I was suppose to leave on Monday right?
Well, too reluctant to leave KL..
Still needed to party..haha..
Wednesday nothing special.
Went to marketplace with Mark and LinYee.
Then got to TheLoft, that place sucks..Sucks your money and never return your change kinda place..
So we wont go back there, EVER AGAIN..!
Thursday night..!!
EUPHORIA aka MOS here we come..!
One the way in the car, Mark bought us a huge bottle of beer to drink before we reach there.
Penang style eh? hell yea...haha..

See LingYi there?
HAhaha.. okay im not her friend, just know her name.
I went in to one of the toilet downstairs right, when I got in..I looked at all the girls in there.
All were nicely dressed in dress, heels, pumps, long hair, thick make-up, and some putting on make up for themselves and or for their friend.
I looked at myself and said " Jeezz, I feel so outcast.."
HAHAHahaha.. wearing just plain white spag, denim skirt and tied up rug sack. PENANG STYLE..GO CASUAL..hahaha..
My sis and her friends kept walking out to smoke, as the club is a non-smoking..
Hahaha..but sad me keep have to follow em out.
Dont worry, I DID NOT SMOKE... *wink*
Then drama drama drama..
Came back to that place again, no one is there.
Look over to the dance floor, there they are..
Got closer.." Wtf? why are each of them ( sis, eun, linyee) are with guys dancing?".
Haha...nevermind, I was about to manhunt myself too untill someone tapp me from behind.
It was Mark..poor Mark didnt have anyone too...Hahaha, no choice but to dance with him..xP
Then Mark and I plan to switch partner with Eunice, ahem*.. Marks idea.. time.
After dancing, the club was about to close..
I dont know why suddenly while I was looking at the dance floor like, reminiscing?, Mark came to me again he was saying something but I couldnt hear what he say, so I just smile and chuckle..
Next thing I know, we were dancing again.
Not just some normal club dancing, with did some stupid WALTz with some songs that we cant relate to..HAHAHa..
Twirling around like we're both crazy.
A great ending..
But then sadly later that night, Mark got into and accident.
Thanks to the car he sat whom the driver was high on alcohol, coccaine and ecstasy.. =.="
The whole Mercedes skidded, hit the divider, flipped once and land back on the other side of the road.
Thank god no one was hurt..
Mark is fine, he had the seat-belt on.
The next day.
Sis and I were suppose to leave, but got lazy again...and heard there was someone's birthday party at Marketplace.
LinYee's friend.
So stayed one more day.
Mark left already.

Yea she used to work there.
After that..head to Rupee room at heritage row.
Drama drama again.
Was not feeling well, so didnt do anything but just sit down the whole night.
After club..bla bla bla..
Supper then I head back home to rest, while the rest went to the park and drink again.
Finally went home the next day in the morning..HAha..scared we postponed again, so had to leave early.
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