Was suppose to be only Wern and I, but Mum wanted to come along too, so I drag sis to come along so mum wont be alone while I shop with Wern.. xP
First stop,
was Oldtown..
We ( wern and I ) both had toast only as we werent that hungry.
I had some soft boiled eggs and coffee as well.
Gladly the food lasted the whole day, it probably was the cramp that made the hunger go away.
Haha..fyi I had lunch at 1pm and only ate my dinner at 10.30pm, jeeezz...
But Im still hungry now.. =(
After lunch, we made our way up to shop for for dresses!
While I was getting and trying on the dresses, then came the cramp.
Gah...I was like making ekkky faces and twitching my face alot from the pain.
Wern didnt know what was happening untill she saw my expressions, she thought I needa go to the looo...Hahaha..
I bought one dress, Wern got one more and a few more of cloths + hairbands.. Our dresses are both from forever21..
I also got a bikini from topshop!!!!
It was on a 50% sale, and last 2 weeks it was at its normal price, I nearly bought it, but thanks to I-Did-Not-Had-Enough-Money, I couldnt buy it.
But now, I had a good bargain...hehe.. so im just smiling all the way.
Wern got a bikini bottom too...
Happy us... =)
Yea, together come call us shopaholic now...
We head home right after we got our bikini.
Mum and sis were leaving at the same time too.
And when I got home, I was already to tired and the cramp was still twitching in my stomach.
The moment I was about to rest my butt on the couch, my phone rang!
I went like " gahh, who could that be...??"
It was a message from May saying that she is on her way to get the dress for her prom.
She asked me earlier when I was shopping, I just forgot about it.
Got my ass off the couche and went straight to look for the dress..
But then the dress was still in the luggage bag with a few more other dresses that I'd borrowed Wern like ermm...a month ago??? HAhahaha...
So whateva...just brought that whole luggage for May too, more choices aint that good?
We chatted awhile in her car.
Boy..we talked like we havent talk for ages already...
It was fun...
She told me alot of funny things..=)
We laughed alot.
My day went well, fun, smiles, and laughter..
That's what counts
Mum and sis were leaving at the same time too.
And when I got home, I was already to tired and the cramp was still twitching in my stomach.
The moment I was about to rest my butt on the couch, my phone rang!
I went like " gahh, who could that be...??"
It was a message from May saying that she is on her way to get the dress for her prom.
She asked me earlier when I was shopping, I just forgot about it.
Got my ass off the couche and went straight to look for the dress..
But then the dress was still in the luggage bag with a few more other dresses that I'd borrowed Wern like ermm...a month ago??? HAhahaha...
So whateva...just brought that whole luggage for May too, more choices aint that good?
We chatted awhile in her car.
Boy..we talked like we havent talk for ages already...
It was fun...
She told me alot of funny things..=)
We laughed alot.
My day went well, fun, smiles, and laughter..
That's what counts
Heres my bikini!!!
Im loving it and I cant wait till I wear and sunbath with it!!
Couldnt find anything to hold its shape... Im not gonna wear and show it to you guys duh..
So I used my shopping bag instead..Haha..
Looks nice aint it??
Im loving it and I cant wait till I wear and sunbath with it!!
Couldnt find anything to hold its shape... Im not gonna wear and show it to you guys duh..
So I used my shopping bag instead..Haha..
Looks nice aint it??
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