Was suppose to head there at like 11 but we both woke up late so ended going at like 1pm.
And was deciding where to have our lunch first before we go for our swim, so I suggested Ingolf!
We agreed! But then it was a dissapointment, it is close on a monday, didnt know that, then drove around and thought why not the korean place nearby then, and it was also close on a monday..Gahhh, piss off then went to some malay stall call Zul's.
Had chicken rice, the malay way, not bad..
Then head on to swim!!!!

I Know! My thighs are HUGE! hate them..
It was good that I finally get to tan! As you see, my tan was turning back to the old colour..ewww..
But the haze was pretty annoying as it blocks most of the sun from coming and it made the whole day so darn HOT...No its actually for weeks now..
So after our swim, we were pretty tired and hungry! haha..
Head to Gurney to chill a moment.
We wanted to watch Sex and the city but the time was too late, so fuck that.
And then I suggested to play some pool first before we head to CoffeeBean, surprisingly,
Diana agreed..Lol, she would be the last person whom i thought would agreed. My sis eyes were like O.O and saying " Are you sure or your just kidding?".
So pool it is...!
It was good that I finally get to tan! As you see, my tan was turning back to the old colour..ewww..
But the haze was pretty annoying as it blocks most of the sun from coming and it made the whole day so darn HOT...No its actually for weeks now..
So after our swim, we were pretty tired and hungry! haha..
Head to Gurney to chill a moment.
We wanted to watch Sex and the city but the time was too late, so fuck that.
And then I suggested to play some pool first before we head to CoffeeBean, surprisingly,
Diana agreed..Lol, she would be the last person whom i thought would agreed. My sis eyes were like O.O and saying " Are you sure or your just kidding?".
So pool it is...!
I make them teamed up since theres only 3 of us.
Or not we will be like shooting random balls into the pocket suggested by those 2..Lol
NOw wheres the fun in that?? hahaha..
So I didnt go with it, they were stripes I was solid.
And so I won... =)
And so you've heard.
We look miserable after our swim, we just shower without soap nor shampoo..haha
Forgot about it.
But whateva, we dont wana look good anyways..
I got my usuals, BlackForest Blend.
Sis got her Caramel Blend.
And Diana got her Salmon Sandwich.
So when she was about to eat her sandwich, she immediately caught a hair in sight like in the bread..gross..!! Its like the curly type..HAHAHAaa
She wanted to send the whole sandwich back to the kitchen and get a new one!
But then I suggested, "why not eat till like half first then only send it back? You will get like another free sandwich"..hahaha I know Im bad, and it may make me look cheap but whateva, Im still a teenager!
And yes we did that, and got a new one..hehehe..
Diana and I chomp down the food, but poor sis does not like salmon at all, so she just look in dismay..
We sat there quite long and chatted alot.
So bla bla bla..walked here and there, got tired so we head back home together cause Diana wants to try the bruschetta that I made.
I made dinner then, Caesar salad and bruschetta.
Wasnt much but the bruschetta, Diana and I chomp down so many of it, like 6-7 for each of us..
It was just so addictive..haha..Im not trying to bragg, its just simple and nice to eat.
Forgot about it.
But whateva, we dont wana look good anyways..
I got my usuals, BlackForest Blend.
Sis got her Caramel Blend.
And Diana got her Salmon Sandwich.
So when she was about to eat her sandwich, she immediately caught a hair in sight like in the bread..gross..!! Its like the curly type..HAHAHAaa
She wanted to send the whole sandwich back to the kitchen and get a new one!
But then I suggested, "why not eat till like half first then only send it back? You will get like another free sandwich"..hahaha I know Im bad, and it may make me look cheap but whateva, Im still a teenager!
And yes we did that, and got a new one..hehehe..
Diana and I chomp down the food, but poor sis does not like salmon at all, so she just look in dismay..
We sat there quite long and chatted alot.
So bla bla bla..walked here and there, got tired so we head back home together cause Diana wants to try the bruschetta that I made.
I made dinner then, Caesar salad and bruschetta.
Wasnt much but the bruschetta, Diana and I chomp down so many of it, like 6-7 for each of us..
It was just so addictive..haha..Im not trying to bragg, its just simple and nice to eat.
Pretty tired but Im glad I decided to go out rather than staying home and feeling miserble the whole day.
Although it was my mum's birthday yesterday, I better not stay in her way cause shes pretty vulnerable nowadays and yea, argued with her like last week..Guess shes not over it.
She dont want to bother, I cant be bothered either.
Although it was my mum's birthday yesterday, I better not stay in her way cause shes pretty vulnerable nowadays and yea, argued with her like last week..Guess shes not over it.
She dont want to bother, I cant be bothered either.
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