It's about 3 month's to go till I see the man that I have been waiting for.
I can say that I thought of him more often now then ever I had been since he left, I am not saying that I did not miss him, I did and still is, but since it is only 3 more months I am getting more and more excited, yet a solemn sadness of him still not back yet.
I realized that past this 10months, all I could think of is just get over this 1 year as soon as possible. Feeling that I have done nothing much but stare into this big screen of mine and waiting for time to pass me by in a flash.
Now look where I am? Doing my internship after 10 months in College.
But hey!! I can have all a lot more fun once he is back and maybe in the future we could go somewhere together and have a more joyful time.
How is this crazy that I am so crazy in love with this guy, I don't think I can ever find another one just like him? I know, they say this is the honeymoon period, but it does not seem like it is a honeymoon period anymore and I still can say that I long for him to be beside me for a lifetime.
But sometimes it worries me to be in such a serious relationship, cause as I know, we know, every happy relationships can also turn sour and lead to a massive train wreck BREAK-UP! I have seen so many that has gone down so sour, till there was no more reviving back or they just lied to each other everyday that things will eventually turn better. I have seen so many that it scar-ed and scares me, from my parents, to my friend's parents, to my friends, sister, brother and relatives. It will kill me to be in that position.
The truth is, we are so much alike.. even our thinking is so much alike that we could actually say the same thing's or thought's at the same time and laugh it off by saying to each other " Why do you always follow me??" then we would argue back and say " NO! I did not, you did!!".
We are also so much different from others that sometime I would ask myself, "Why am I born in this country?" or "Why am I even born a Chinese?". ( do not get offended, I am not saying being a Chinese is bad nor being a westerner is all good, but somehow, I wish I was born in a different country).
I can give you many reason's why? First of all, I can't speak no damn Chinese!
My mandarin is BAD like really B-A-D!
My Hokkien sucks of course due to bad slang.
My cantonese had gone down as I had not use much of this language ever since I have moved to Penang.
My Hakka, 'nuff said.
And one thing really dislike is those superstitious thing's that people always say like, don't stick your chopstick into your noodle bowl as this allow's the ghost's or demons to eat your food.. -.- I know it is a bad habit, but it is better than to see my chopstick rolling onto the floor.
I don't always fancy Chinese food, too much rice. I love pasta's and anything that does with cheese, milk, butter, egg and of course, salad's with dressing's.
I am different. I know. I brought Western and European food onto my household, watch loads of American and English films, cooking shows too and I think, If I was in their country, they would understand me more.
Oh yea, and I can't eat spicy, :( one thing I am really really sad about.
On the other hand, he is pretty much more Asian than I am but still something about him got me to love asian food more, made me fall in love with spicy food, thought me how to speak hokkien better (half of the time he laughs at me for I sound stupidly funny) , thought me how to cook better, understand our nation's most treasured food, how to be a better person, how to love myself more and made me fall in love. The love, something I have been searching for, something I long for.
He who has given me so much love, and ask for nothing in return but for me to just love him back and listen to him. He who has so much passion, ambition and idea's for the future makes me want to be with him even more.
I told myself, I see myself traveling around the world with a backpack and rolling around the globe and snacking off everything we see that is good, no wait good is not good enough, that is AWESOME!
I am starting to love reading, mostly non-fiction novels. I know he will read with me, or he will listen to me reading to him.
I want to travel, adventurous travels, I know he will travel with me. I will do the same too.
I want to live in a simple modest home, I know he want that too.
I want to sit in a bookstore and just look at cooking books, he would too.
I want to clean the house, he will happily do the same.
I know you guys are saying, " Are you sure he really is all that??".
We do argue, no one is perfect. But the best part is, we never let it linger for a long time. The more you linger the bad aura, the more the love aura leaves.
Do you still believe there are first love that can live happily ever after?
Am I crazy to be so in Love at such young age?
Yes I am, Crazily-in-Love!

our first picture together..love you forever more.
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