My college days goes by with just a blink of an eye, there are days when its real fun and sometimes a real bore. With the new campus, its still boring... its so huge but its so empty.
I like the look of it though its boring, It has the College/Uni look. Feels much more better than the miserable/shared/campus/business buildings at LCS.
Here are some picture's of the new campus and college mates.

I practically drink more coffee than I should now. All the morning classes and also practical classes pretty much weigh someone down. I think I am the only girl there that drinks Coffee like water? lol.. I hardly see any guys drink more coffee than I do there.. maybe soon?
I had 3 cups of coffee today, 1st during service where I was the bartender, 2nd was after service, and the 3rd was unintentionally. Let me tell you why, I was out getting some groceries cause I was so eager to make some Indonesian food which is call Rawon which Cha Cha gave me. Its a thick paste of spices and u mix it with Beef and accompany with some rice and veggie, It is good..:)
So after getting me groceries, I looked out and it was raining real heavily.
I wanted to just walk under the rain but despite my weeks of getting flu on and off, I rather not risk getting worst. The only place to wait is, yes... STARBUCKS.
Got a latte and wait wait wait wait...
Im hyper yet SICK! :(
While waiting, I read the newspaper ;
In WELLINGTON,NZ a girl is willing to give up her virginity in exchange on getting money for college tuition fees. The highest bidder will get to know.. Yea, betcha anyone will do anything for money. And the highest bidder is approximately 45thousand NZ dollar.. wow! That is more than enough for her.
Hopefully the person is nice enough to just give her the money with no exchange or what so ever.
Will you go to the extend of losing ur virginity for a lifetime education?
If you ever do that ad in Malaysia, the highest bidder will be "SEPULUH RINGGIT MAU TAK MAU??"
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