This thought had been on my mind since this morning. Never made to bed till 6am with mummy cause we talk and talk, well mostly she did the talking as usual. And I just love to listen to stories.
I've been hearing stories all my life, over and over again, Yea it gets boring but its part of my life and interest to listen to people's rants, sorrows and just about anything.
And something got me thinking,
what if, you were born a bastard child?
I know that sounds wrong, but it is the only way to get my point right on.
Not knowing who your real father is but oblivion to the fact that the father that you call everyday isn't quite your biological father?
Although you were treated and loved like you were his child.
What happen when you found out one day that this was just all a lie?
The fact that your parents hide you away from your biological father so that the pride of the family would not be jeopardized and all they want for you is a normal life.
Is that really a normal life? Or isn't it just a lie to keep your pride and humanity while you hold the biggest guilt for your entire life not letting the innocent child to know who she is?
Part of it, to protect the child from getting teased and looked down?
But the child would be a fool to find it out later.
This problem does not need to be filled out to the entire family, the only person who needs to know is the child. And the biological father has all the rights to see the child.
Keeping away the child from the father will just hurt both parties even more, although the child does not know, but sooner or later, all the lies will come out one day.
It be damn lucky if the child does not act out and find faults when he or she finds out.

Guilt. A burden you carry everyday, a past that lingers on your soul.
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