You must be thinking it's another girls shopping dilemma..!!
Haha..well...it's not that we are, maybe sorta..
Anna, May, Jessica and I went to Queensbay.
My mum took us there...oh well..she shopped alone tho.
Felt bad, but we gurls needed to get our stuff and we will be moving to one place to another very often...so it's best we part separate way.
We were looking for bikini's and cloths to wear on my+ wern's birthday party.
And of course! Werniez birthday presents!
So first stop was TopShop! But sadly got none that we could buy..
Then we went to LaSenza..!!! We searched for something that Wernie might wear, you know..
So we did found one, but we needed to think twice before buying 'it'..
And so we walk throughout the WHOLE mall..gosh...our legz were killing us..!!!
But found Nothing!!!!!!
We went back to LaSenza the 2nd time..And May decided to get 'it' anyways...!
So Anna and Jess went to try on the thing for Wern..
End up I went to try on too...To give it a last try...
We made the dressing room abit disturbing tho..LOl
May was sharing the present with Mel.
So, the leaves me, Anna and Jess to look for Wern too..
Haha...we went around looking again...End up hungry, went to eat dinner with my mum..
Me..!! Being very unsatisfied for not having to get a bikini that I wanted..
And of course..WERN's present"s...
This time my mum walked with us!
And then, we walked passed Topshop and then......"LaSenza"...!!!!!!!
It was our 3rd time now...
We walk in and laughed. The workers must have thought what was our problems..
But well...At least everytime we walked in, we bougth something...( except the 1st time)
My mum bought some thongz and I bougth undies...hehe, she payed for it..thats why..
May and Anna saw some nice shawl, and yes..bought em..
And we were still looking for Wern'z present..
We saw some cute night gown's that were ermm....Cute??
Haha...We had to try them on again...
Anna wore it first, and she found em cute on "HER"...
haha..she wanted to get it..but then she didn't =..=
And then Jess went to try on too, and she was in love with it too...=..=
She bought it for herself..
So...we got both night dresses for Wern...=)
Happy Days Mates..!!!
Althougth I did not get what I wanted...
But at least..!!
It was a memorable day..!!!!
Haha...I will cherish it for my grandchild in the future...
Shopaholicz or Not?
You decide...

Sunday, 19 August 2007
Shopaholicz? Are we?
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