I'm guessing your out now watching the MU football match.
I remember those times when we watch the EPL games at your house..
Whenever they are about to score or scored a goal, I will always go nuts and shout so loud middle of the night. The first time I did that you were shocked to see my enthusiasm. ( I do get excited for sports you know) =).
But things has change...
I don't get this kind of services anymore. All I have is the laptop and some friends to entertain me while I'm on it..
Sometimes I wonder why do we put ourselves in this position.
I used to ask myself this, " Is LOVE all that ??"
The answer is... "It's much more...It's everything but once it's broken, it's not easy to mend the broken pieces".
I will still wait for you everyday despite how the situation we are in.
Annoyed and Hurt.

Sunday, 25 October 2009
The line is ...........
I need to stay connected all the time. But I can only do so when I'm home..!
I want a BlackBerry.. !!!
If only I have the money I would just get it now! argghhh..
I feel so sick when I cant chat with you, and the fact that the line is so shitty there just makes me feel so angry and annoyed that when there is line, I get fed up and the mood of chatting is gone!!
I'm sorry that it made you fed up too, but it's been happening all the while, it's getting under my skin.
Wouldn't you feel that way too?
I mean, if you stayed home just to chat with someone and this things still always happen... it really does make someone feel so frustrated..!!
But I still stay on despite I know that this is 99.9 % chance of that happening..
Because of you know why...
If I get frustrated, bare with me.... Because it ain't easy..
Live is a roller coaster, It brings you up and down....
they said, the colour purple is for loneliness... so here it is, im lonely. =)
I want a BlackBerry.. !!!
If only I have the money I would just get it now! argghhh..
I feel so sick when I cant chat with you, and the fact that the line is so shitty there just makes me feel so angry and annoyed that when there is line, I get fed up and the mood of chatting is gone!!
I'm sorry that it made you fed up too, but it's been happening all the while, it's getting under my skin.
Wouldn't you feel that way too?
I mean, if you stayed home just to chat with someone and this things still always happen... it really does make someone feel so frustrated..!!
But I still stay on despite I know that this is 99.9 % chance of that happening..
Because of you know why...
If I get frustrated, bare with me.... Because it ain't easy..
Live is a roller coaster, It brings you up and down....
they said, the colour purple is for loneliness... so here it is, im lonely. =)
Sunday, 4 October 2009
My "INTERNATIONAL" friends..
Alright, most of you must be thinking what the hell my title means.
Well, look at all of us..where are we?
Each of us is somewhere across the big ocean. =)
The Psycho-logist! ( Canada/Penang )
Now here is Melissa a.k.a Emkay!
Born and raise in Canada..You can just remember how crazy she was when we just met her..lol... usually shes the one who will leave us. But now shes staying in Penang while everyone has left the lil island we call home.
Born and raise in Canada..You can just remember how crazy she was when we just met her..lol... usually shes the one who will leave us. But now shes staying in Penang while everyone has left the lil island we call home.

The Shopaholic ( Australia )
Yeap, shes the girl that you can shop-till-you-drop!!! ahaha..Oh and not only that, she loves food. Throw anything into her mouth and she will munch..ahaha..miss my cooking??
Still shopping much Wern??? haha xP
The Gym freak ( Australia )
Mel Mel Mel...!! Just left last month.
She my cooking/ baking and use to be my gym buddy!! haha
Ahhh..come back and bake with me!! I love and miss the shitty cookies..=)
She will take you to the best place to indulge, I think I wouldn't had survived in KL without her.
Ahhh..come back and bake with me!! I love and miss the shitty cookies..=)
She will take you to the best place to indulge, I think I wouldn't had survived in KL without her.
The Drama Queen~ ( unknown )
She stays on the roadside with her luggage full of heels..=)
Im just kidding..
She use to study in Singapore, now moving to SABAH??
Oh no...becarefull there. I never knew how Sabah actually look like, only know there is Mount.Kinabalu.. haha
Our crazy yet loud yet noisy friend. You can never shut her up unless shes angry.
After that, the stories never ends..
You know why I use the no.1??? Cause shes size 1?? If im wrong, then it be size 0!!
Hahaha..shes bloody thin, but complains that shes fat sometimes... o.O
Don't say in UK May.. there are lotsa fat people there, you would't want to insult them...lol
She a great friend to hang out, easily persuaded and she can hold her liqour now.=)
She jumps, she shouts, she runs, she FALL's..
Yeap, she's the friend who will just make you laugh and you will give her the "look".. =.="
She spills hot coco on her bed, wth? And sat on it..=.=
I known her since I was 7..nothing change much except her looks of course..
She likes it there, cause the sun aint that bright.. You can see how pale she is..

The Philosopher ( Japan )
The thing's she says something gets you thinking....and then it confuse you.. hahaha
Everything goes into a circle.
No doubt shes short, she definitely has a bitchy attitude..haha..
I can't wait for her to come back, dec yaaa!! Hopefully you still remember how to drive..=)
I love this picture, so cheeky so you!!

The EggHead ( Carribeans )
Yeap, his the furthest amongst all.. Britney is what he hates, but I love her.
Miss having him to just whip up something for me to eat and its not just something simple. He never like making simple food. That's what I like about him. Always being creative and doing something different.
"Look at the moon babe, and just think of me...cause I will too." The calls you make, you sound so near but your far away. Sometimes I think the distance is making us stronger rather than pulling us down. It take TWO to clap your hand is what he always says. Im starting to understand what it means.
And no this aint the current picture of him, lol, its a year ago. I just love this picture of him although I did not snap it. =)
Getting adapted to staying alone. The best part of it is cooking dishes that I'm craving for.
I love spending my time grocery shopping now.
You can call me the Coookaholic. =)
Yes I do miss everyone, but the only thing I hope for the most its that we will all REUNITE once again. No hard feelings, just the feeling of love.

Now you can see why we can't live without the internet.
Sometimes I rather just sit here and online whole day. I'll try my very best just to see him once more, each day, everyday. It makes me sleep easy. Makes my heart at ease.
If time does not allow us to, we will always find out way to each other.
Nothing beats this, cause you are special.
We are all Special in a way, and none of us are the same.
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